AP RGUKT IIIT Notification 2018 Online Application Idupulapaya,Nuzvid,Ongole,Srikakulam

AP RGUKT IIIT Notification 2018 Online Application Idupulapaya,Nuzvid,Ongole,Srikakulam

AP RGUKT IIIT Notification 2018 Online Application Idupulapaya,Nuzvid,Ongole,Srikakulam IIIT Admissions 2018-19 eligibility,merit list,results,how to submit online application form,AP IIIT Nuzvid admissions last date colleges list website application fee AP IIIT Admissions 2018 Notification RGUKT IIIT Admissions  2018.iiit idupulapaya admissions 2018,AP IIIT Admissions 2018 Notification RGUKT IIIT Admission Notification 2018. Notification for admission into RGUKT IIIT AP for Admissions to 6-Year Integrated B.Tech Programme – 2018 Admissions to 6-Year Integrated B.Tech Programme – 2018 released at Nuzvid, RK Valley, Srikakulam, Ongole RGUKT IIIT Centers. The detailed admission procedure, Eligibility, Schedule for admissions for IIIT AP RGUKT for 2018 AP RGUKT IIIT Notification 2018 http://www.rgukt.in/

AP RGUKT IIIT Notification 2018 -19 Contents

AP RGUKT IIIT Notification 2018 Online Application Idupulapaya,Nuzvid,Ongole,Srikakulam IIIT Admissions 2018-19 eligibility,merit list,results,how to submit online application form,AP IIIT Nuzvid admissions last date colleges list website application fee AP IIIT Admissions 2018 Notification RGUKT IIIT Admissions  2018.iiit idupulapaya admissions 2018
AP RGUKT IIIT Notification 2018 Online Application

AP RGUKT IIIT Notification 2018 Admissions Eligibility Criteria for  6 years Integrated B.Tech Programme @ www.rgukt.ac.in

Age Limit

  • Candidates should not have completed 18 years of age as on 31.12.2018,
  • 03 Years age relaxation for SC/ST Students
  • 21 years in case of students belonging to SC and ST categories.

Education Qualification

  • 2018 ఎస్‌ఎస్‌సీ లేదా తత్సమాన పరీక్షల్లో రాష్ట్రంలో గుర్తింపు పొందిన పాఠశాలల్లో ఉత్తీర్ణులై ఉండాలి.
  • Candidates should have passed SSC (10th class)
  • or any other equivalent examination recognised by the Governments of Telangana State & AP State and conducted in 2018 in first attempt.
  • International students shall be of Indian Nationality / Persons of Indian Origin (PIO)/ Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) Card Holders.

AP RGUKT IIIT Application Fee

అభ్యర్థులు కేవలం ఆన్‌లైన్‌ ద్వారా మాత్రమే దరఖాస్తు చేసుకోవాలి. మీ సేవా, టీఎస్‌ ఆన్‌లైన్‌ సెంటర్ల ద్వారా దరఖాస్తు చేసుకోవచ్చు. ఎస్సీ, ఎస్టీ విద్యార్థులు రూ. 100 చెల్లించాలి. ఓసీ, బీసీ విద్యార్థులు రూ. 150 ప్రవేశరుసుం చెల్లించాల్సి ఉంటుం ది. ఈ మొత్తాన్ని ఆన్‌లైన్‌ సెంటర్‌లోనే చెల్లించాలి. సెంటర్‌చార్జి అదనంగా రూ. 25 వసూలు చేస్తారు.

  • Application Fee: Rs. 150.00 (for OC and BC candidates)
  • Rs. 100.00 (for SC and ST candidates)
  • The application fee should paid in cash at TSOnline service center, for which the center will issue a receipt.
  • An additional amount of Rs. 25.00 per application should paid as service charges to the AP  Online Centre
  • If any candidate applies more than once, then the latest application will be consider for the selection process.

List of Certificates to be enclose for Online Application:

*🅾కన్సెలింగ్‌లో సమర్పించాల్సిన పత్రాలు*
దరఖాస్తు చేసుకున్న సమయంలో ఏవైతే సమర్పించారో కౌన్సిలింగ్‌లో అవి సమర్పించాల్సి ఉంటుంది. కుల, ఆదాయ, నివాస ధ్రువీకరణ పత్రాలు, స్టడీ, కాండక్ట్‌, టీసీ, మెమోతో పాటు రిజర్వేషన్‌ వర్తించే పత్రాలేమైనా ఉంటే అన్నింటినీ సమర్పించాలి.

Certified copies of the following certificates / documents should be sent along with the print –out of the online application form submitted through AP Online Services:

  1. After submitting the application through online, applicants claim reservation under PH/CAP/NCC/Sports should send its print-out duly signed along with copies of the relevant
    certificates  (mentioned below)
  2. To The Convener, UG Admissions-2018, Rajiv Gandhi University
    of Knowledge Technologies, Flat Number 202, Second floor, NRI Block(C) ,Sri Mahendra
    Enclave,Tadepalli, Guntur District – 522501, Andhra Pradesh, by Speed post / Registered
  3. The candidate should write on top of the cover “Application for Admissions 2018-RGUKT .
  4. Certified copies of the following certificates or documents should be sent along with the print-out of the online application form submitted through APOnline services.
    a) Hall ticket of 10th class or its equivalent
    b) Certificate showing the GPA of 10th class public examination, like SSC / CBSE / ICSE / NIOS.
    c) NCC certificate by those claiming reservation under this category (for details see Annexure – VII).
    d) Sports certificate(s) at the level of inter-district and above by those claiming reservation under
    this category (for details see Annexure – VII).

How to Submit AP RGUKT IIIT Online Application 2018 -19

TS RGUKT Basara IIIT Online Application 2018 -19 – Click Here

AP IIIT Selection Method:

  1. Admissions will be based on merit in the Grade Point Average (GPA) and Grade obtained in each
    subject, and as per the provisions of Presidential Order, 1974.
  2. Latest application will be considered in case of multiple applications.
  3. Last date for sending the hard copy of SSC grade card/marks memo after revaluation / recounting: 11.06.2018, 5:00 PM
  4. In case of a tie in GPA score, it will be resolved by adopting the following options in that sequence:
    i. Higher grade in Mathematics,
    ii. Higher grade in General Science,
    iii. Higher grade in English,
    iv. Higher grade in Social Studies,
    v. Higher grade in 1st Language,
    vi. Older candidate as per the Date of Birth,
    vii. Lowest random number obtained from the hall ticket number.
  5. If the tie is resolved with any of the check in the chronological order mentioned above, the next
    option(s) will not be checked.
  6.  The procedure of resolving by random number is as follows: For SSC, NIOS & OSSC applicants
    The random number will be obtained as the reminder of {253 x [first 5 digits of the hall ticket
    number] divided by the last 5 digits of the hall ticket number}
  7. For example, from the hall ticket no.1219121028, the first five digits viz., 12191 and the last five
    digits viz., 21028 will be considered for this purpose. The reminder is 14235. For CBSE & ICSE
    applicants, the Hall ticket consists of seven digits. Hence, the random number will be obtained as
    the reminder of {253 x [first 3 digits of the hall ticket number] divided by the last 4digits of the hall
    ticket number}.
  8. For example, from the hall ticket no.4112605, the first three digits viz., 411 and the last four digits
    viz., 2605 will be considered for this purpose. The reminder is 2388.

A.P RGUKT IIIT Admissions 6 years Integrated B.Tech Programme @ www.rgukt.ac.in Admission Procedure:

పదో తరగతిలో జీపీఏ ఆధారంగానే ప్రవేశాలు ఉంటాయి. ప్రభుత్వం నాన్‌ రెసిడెన్షియల్‌ పాఠశాలలు, ఇతర జిల్లా పరిషత్‌ పాఠశాలల్లో చదివిన విద్యార్థులకు వెనుకబాటు సూచి కింద 0.4 పాయింట్లను వచ్చిన పదోతరగతి గ్రేడ్‌కు జత కలిపి ప్రవేశాల్లో ప్రాధాన్యం కల్పిస్తారు. సీట్ల కేటా యింపు సమయంలో సమాన గ్రేడ్‌ పాయింట్లు ఉన్నట్టయితే మొ దట గణితం తర్వాత జనరల్‌ సైన్స్‌, ఆ తర్వాత ఇంగ్లీష్‌, తర్వాత సోష ల్‌, ఆ తర్వాత ఫస్ట్‌ లాంగ్వేజ్‌లో సాధించిన మార్కులను పరిగణలోకి తీసుకుంటారు. అయినా సమానమైతే పుట్టిన తేదీ ప్రకారం పెద్ద వయస్సు ఉన్న వారికి అవకాశం ఇస్తారు.

  1. Admissions to the first year of Integrated B Tech Program (2018-19) will be based on merit in the Grade Point Average (GPA) and Grade obtained in each subject in 10th class, and by following the statutory reservations of the State.
  2. A deprivation score of 0.4 prescribed by the Government for the year 2018-19 under Statute 13 (3) shall be added to the 10th class GPA of those applicants who studied in non-residential Government Schools including the Zilla Parishad and Municipal Schools, with an objective of providing weight age to the socio economically challenged students in the admission process.
  3. and At RGUKT, Basar, admissions to 85% of the total available seats shall be reserved for the Local Candidates (Osmania University area, Telangana State) and the remaining 15% of the seats shall be un-reserved (these seats will be filled with both States Telangana and Andhra Pradesh students based on merit) as specified in the Presidential Order 371 Article D in consonance to Section 95 of the A.P. Reorganization Act, 2014.

AP RGUKT IIIT Notification 2018 Admissions Annual Fee:

ప్రవేశం పొందిన విద్యార్థులు ఐఐఐటీలో ఆరు సంవత్సరాలు చదవాల్సి ఉంటుంది. అభ్యర్థులు మొదటి రెండేళ్ల వార్షిక రుసుంగా రూ. 36వేలు ఆ తర్వాత మిగిలిన నాలుగు సంవత్సరాలకుగానూ వార్షిక రుసుం రూ. 40 వేలు చెల్లించాల్సి ఉంటుంది.

  • The tuition fee for the candidates who studied in Schools situated in Andhra Pradesh &Telangana
    states is Rs.36,000/- per annum( for PUC1 & PUC II) and Rs 40000/- per annum(for four years
  • Students who are eligible for tuition fee reimbursement as per the guidelines issued by the
    respective State Governments have to pay the balance fee after deducting the tuition fee received
    from the respective State governments from the annual fee of the RGUKT (Students whose parental
    annual income is below Rs.1.0 Lakh for non SC/ST category and below Rs.2.0Lakh for SC/ST
    category and who fulfill the other conditions as per the latest Govt. Rules are eligible for fee
  • Every student has to pay a registration fee of Rs.1,000/- (Rs.500/- for SC/ST candidates) and a
    refundable caution deposit of Rs.2,000 (by all), that is a total ofRs.3,000/- (Rs 2,500/- in case of
    SC/ST candidates) at the time of admission.

AP RGUKT IIIT Notification 2018 Courses Offered in 6-Year Integrated B.Tech Program

The 6-Year Integrated Engineering course is divided in to the following two categories:

Pre University Course (2 years): M.P.C course will be offered with following subjects:

  1. Mathematics
  2. Physics
  3. Chemistry
  4. English
  5. Telugu / Sanskrit (Sanskrit will be offered for non Telugu students those who have not studied second language as Telugu)

B.Tech (4 years): Following streams will be offered

  1. Chemical Engineering
  2. Civil Engineering
  3. Computer Science & Engineering
  4. Electrical & Electronics Engineering
  5. Electronics & Communications Engineering
  6. Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
  7. Mechanical Engineering

AP RGUKT IIIT Notification 2018 Important Dates 

1Date of Notification30-04-2018
2Online application commences from30-04-2018
3Last date for receiving applications by RGUKT08.06.2018
4Last date for receiving printout of the online application by post for special categories (PH/CAP/NCC/Sports) Address for posting :
The Convener, UG Admissions-2018,
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies,
Flat Number 202, Second floor, NRI Block(C) ,
Sri Mahendra Enclave, Tadepalli, Guntur District – 522501
by Speed post / Registered post. The candidate should write on top of the cover “Application for UG Admissions 2018-RGUKT.
5Verification of Certificates for Special Categories  (PH/CAP/NCC/Sports) for all four campuses.
Venue: IIIT-Nuzvid Campus, Krishna Dist
6Announcement of Provisional Selection List for all campuses other than Special Categories ( PH/CAP/NCC/Sports) – Phase-I29-06-2018
7Certificate Verification & Admissions including other states &
International students for RGUKT, Nuzvid Campus. Phase-I
Venue: IIIT-Nuzvid Campus, Krishna Dist
04.07.2018 &
8Certificate Verification & Admissions including other states &
International students for RGUKT,RK Valley Campus . Phase-I
Venue: IIIT-RK Valley campus, Idupulapaya , Kadapa Dist
04.07.2018 &
9Certificate Verification & Admissions including other states &
International students for RGUKT, Srikakulam Campus. Phase-I
Venue: IIIT-Nuzvid Campus, Krishna Dist
06.07.2018 &
10Certificate Verification & Admissions including other states &
International students for RGUKT, Ongole Campus. Phase-I
Venue: IIIT-RKValley Campus, Idupulapaya , Kadapa Dist
06.07.2018 &
11Announcement of Provisional Selection List for all campuses including Special Categories ( PH/CAP/NCC/Sports) – Phase-II16.07.2018
12Certificate Verification & Admissions – Phase-II
Venue: IIIT-Nuzvid Campus, Krishna Dist
22.07.2018 &
13Orientation for admitted students at respective campuses24.07.2018 to
14Commencement of classes for admitted students (2018-19) at
respective campuses.

AP RGUKT IIIT Notification 2018 Help Line / Contact Numbers

Helpline Numbers & e-mail address:

  • Timings: 10 AM to 5 PM

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