AG AP GPF Slips Annual Account Statement

AG AP GPF Slips Annual Account Statement

AG AP GPF Slips Annual Account Statement AGAP GPF Account Slips AG GPF Slips 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-2020 GPF Balance Enquiry sheet gpf login AP Employees GPF Slips Teachers Education Department GPF Slips check General provident balance how to check GPF balance in online pay slips agap gpf account slips gpf account number search Andhra Pradesh AG GPF Slips Download AG APGPF

How to Download AG AP GPF Slips Annual Account Statement

AG AP GPF Slips Annual Account Statement AGAP GPF Account Slips AG GPF Slips 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-2020 GPF Balance Enquiry sheet gpf login AP Employees GPF Slips Teachers Education Department GPF Slips check General provident balance how to check GPF balance in online pay slips agap gpf account slips gpf account number search Andhra Pradesh AG GPF Slips Download AG APGPF
AG AP GPF Slips Annual Account Statement
  1. First AP Govt Employee  Choose GPF Annual Account Statement for year ( 2017-18 ) from drop and down list .
  2. If employee want to download previous year GPF slips he/she select previous year from drop and down list employees can download AP GPF slips from 2009-10 to up to onwards
  3. Then Employee select Department Name from list ( Ex: Police Department can select : POL)
  4. After that employee enter Mobile No. ( Registered Mobile No . GPF Alerts Mobile No)
  5. Finally,  click on go option
  6. PDF file will save in your desktop or mobile and take printout

Download AG AP GPF Account Slips

Aim of AG AP GPF

The G.P.F. Scheme is a Social Security Measure Scheme, meant for the Protection of Subscriber’s Family against his sudden death or if he survives until Retirement, to provide him and his family with Additional Resources. Hence The GPF accumulations are not liable for Attachment under any decree of the civil Court.

Membership Two Types:-

1) Compulsory:-

  1. w.e.f. 1-3-1963 to 31-8-2004 for Regular Employees, 10(a)(i) employees;
  2. Last grade employees after completion of 5 yrs continuous service and whose date of retirement is atleast 10 years ahead ( G.O.Ms.No.326, F&P, Dt.21.12.88 and 08.07.88)

(2) Optional :- (i)

  1. Re-employed Pensioners and Govt. Servants who have not completed one year continuous Service
  2. Law Officers in the City of Hyderabad viz., Advocate General, Govt. Pleaders, Public Prosecutor and the State Prosecutor.

Not applicable to those appointed on or after 01.09.2004 (G.O.Ms.No.654, Fin.(Pen.I), Dt.22.09.04)

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