1511 AP Panchayat Secretary Contract Basis Notification 2018

1511 AP Panchayat Secretary Contract Basis Notification 2018

1511 AP Panchayat Secretary Contract Basis Notification 2018 A.P Secretaries Recruitment Notification 2018 new jobs age limit education qualification selection process in Govt Contract jobs salary scale Results application last date AP Panchayat Secretary 2018 Results District wise AP Panchayat Secretary vacancies Panchayat Secretaries district wise Panchayath Secretaries Contract basis new jobs Eligibility age limit Selection Process Application Start date end date how to appoint contract basis AP Panchayat Secretaries Contract Base jobs in AP Government.

AP Panchayat Secretary Contract Basis Notification 2018 Contents 

G.O.MS.No. 38 Dated: 27-04-2018 Filling up of Vacancies of Panchayat Secretaries on contract basis

  1. Andhra Pradesh Government released Notification to fill up  1511 Panchayat Secretaries Vacancies on contract basis vide PANCHAYAT RAJ & RURAL DEVELOPMENT (Mdl.I) DEPARTMENT G.O.MS.No. 38 Dated: 27-04-2018. From the CPR&RD., Lr.No.7095/CPR&RD/B1/ 2017,  Dt.05.10.2017 and  Dt.24.01.2018  of the decision taken in the review meeting held by Hon’ble Minister Panchayat Raj & Rural  Development on 29.09.2017, the Commissioner, Panchayat Raj & Rural Development informed that there is need to fill up the vacancies of Panchayat Secretaries on contract basis for strengthening of the Gram Panchayats, as they are playing a vital role in bringing the developmental activities to the doorsteps of the people.
  2. The Commissioner, Panchayat Raj & Rural Development, A.P., Vijayawada in the reference read above stated that out of the total cadre strength of 8743 Panchayat Secretaries, 2565 posts of Panchayat Secretaries are vacant and 1054 vacancies were already notified by APPSC, remaining 1511 vacancies may be filled temporarily on contract basis.
  3. Government after careful examination hereby accord permission to the Director, Panchayat Raj & Rural Development, A.P., Vijayawada to take on contract basis the services of 1511 Panchayat Secretaries (district wise vacancies specified in the Annexure-I) temporarily for a period of one year, on payment of consolidated remuneration of Rs.15,000/- per month(Rupees Fifteen thousand only) as per Rule 9 of A.P. State Subordinate Service Rules 1996, subject to the terms and conditions specified in the Annexure –II.
1511 AP Panchayat Secretary Contract Basis Notification 2018
1511 AP Panchayat Secretary Contract Basis Notification 2018

Eligibility Criteria for AP Panchayat Secretary Contract Basis Jobs 2018 

Age Limit

  • Minimum Age – 18 Years as on 27.04.2018
  • Maximum Age 42 Years as on 27.04.2018
  •  Five (5) years relaxation of age in respect of candidates belonging to SC/ST/BC category is permissible in terms of G.O.Ms.No.182 GAD Dt:4-12-2017..
  • Therefore  SC/ST/BC Category Maximum Age 42+5=47 Years

Education Qualification

  • Persons possessing minimum degree qualification (graduation) will be take for contract appointment of Pts. Secretaries

AP Panchayat Secretary Contract Basis Salary Scale

  • consolidated remuneration of Rs.15,000/- per month(Rupees Fifteen thousand only)

Contract Basis Period

  • The contract period shall be for one year from the date of appointment
  • If the performance of the Panchayat Secretary appointed on contract basis if found not satisfactory during the contract period, OR
  • Furthermore if their services are found not require, their services will be terminated at any time without assigning any reasons thereof

District Wise AP Panchayat Secretary Contract Basis Vacancies

AP Panchayat Secretaries Contract Basis Selection Process

  • AP Panchayat Secretaries Contract Basis Selection Committee
  • The selection procedure will be 100% on merit (education qualification) instead of 80%
    merit + 20% interview
  • The method of selection the Panchayat Secretaries on contract basis through District Level Committee consisting of the following members:
  1.  District Collector – Chairman
  2. Chief Executive Officer, ZPP – Member
  3. District Panchayat Officer – Member Convener.

Salary Head of Accounts

  • The expenditure shall be debite to the following Head of account.
  1. 2515 – Other Rural Development Programme.
  2. MH 198 – Assistance to Gram Panchayats
  3. SH 08 – Assistance to Gram Panchayats
  4. 300 – Other Contractual Services.

AP Panchayat Secretary Contract Basis Jobs Profile and Working Place

  • The person appointed on contract basis as Panchayat Secretary shall work in any of the Gram Panchayat in the district and reside in the Gram Panchayat Head Quarters concerned.
  • The working hours of the Panchayat Secretary appointed on contract basis shall be the same as that of regular Panchayat Secretaries working in the departments
  • and The selected candidate shall produce Medical Fitness Certificate issued by Government Civil Assistant Surgeon along with the original certificates to prove their age and qualification etc.

Terms and Conditions for AP Panchayat Secretary Contract Basis Jobs

  1. The appointment of Panchayat Secretary shall be govern by the provisions of Rule 9 (a)(i) of A.P. State and Subordinate service rules.
  2. During the period of contract I shall be eligible for the remuneration of Rs.15,000/- (Rupees Fifteen thousand only) per month and shall not be eligible for any other allowances or monetary benefit.
  3. If my performance as Panchayat Secretary on contract basis is found not satisfactory during the contract period, my services could be terminated at any time without assigning any reasons thereof;
  4. As Panchayat Secretary I am willing to work in any of the Gram Panchayat in the district and reside in the Gram Panchayat Head Quarters concerned.
  5. I am aware that the working hours of the Panchayat Secretary appointed on contract basis shall be the same as that of regular Panchayat Secretaries working in the department;
  6. I will attend to all the meetings called for by my superior at any time and provide such information as may require.
  7. As Panchayat Secretary on contract basis I will be eligible for casual leave only.

  8. As Panchayat Secretary working on contract, I will not have any claim or right for regularization of my appointment
  9. and shall not approach any court of law with regard to regularization of contract appointment, in case the said contract is terminated midway.
  10. As a Panchayat Secretary working on contract, I will not have any claim or right to be appoint on regular basis and such contract appointments will be without prejudice to the regular  appointments that may be made in future.
  11. As Panchayat Secretary on contract basis I will not be construed or regarded as a member borne on the A.P. State & Subordinate Service Rules, 1996 and shall not be entitled to any preferential right for any other appointment in the service or in any other services.
  12. The Medical Fitness Certificate issued by Government Civil Assistant Surgeon along with original certificates to prove my age and qualification etc., are enclosed.

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