AP Pensioners Pension Amount Status Account Slips
AP Pensioners Pension Amount Status Account Slips AP Pension Status online treasury pension pay slips Month wise Pension amount status How to check current month pension amount in online latest month account slips Retired Government employees teachers pension account slips Pension statement STO Pay slips district wise AP Pension Status online treasury pension pay slips Treasury Pensioner Pension Amount Account slips How to check current month pension amount in online latest month account slips AP Employees Pension amount status in online Teachers Retired Government employees pension account slips Pensioners STO Pay account slips district wise Pensioners pension amount status. Pensioners Payment Information also useful to find Pension PPO ID NO and Pensioners List
Instructions to get AP Pensioners Pension Amount Status Account Slips
- To check current Month Pension amount status Pensioner select district name first from the list ( Eg : Guntur)
- Then Pensioner Enter Pension PPO ID Number on box (
- IF Pensioner Don’t know Pension PPO No Click Here to Know Pension PPO No – Search Pension PPO No with Name )
- Then Click on Submit button
- Save Pensioner Pension Account Slips Month wise

SR 71 Under TR 16
Each Pensioners shall attend personally at the treasury fir due identification at least once in year Unless he is exempted from personal appearance under SR 66 in which case the necessary independent proof of the pensioner’s existence shall be obtained by some other suitable method. ( AP Pensioners Pension Amount Status TS Account Slips ) The Pension disusing Officer shall also arrange to have every such pensioner examined at least once in a year by two non- pardah female pensioners who shall check her personal marks with those recorded on disburser’s of the PPO
SR 74 Under TR 16
A certificate of non-employment/re-employment as printed on the pension bill shall be obtained by the disbursing officer from all pensioners and family pensioner in the month of November of each year ( Telangana Pensioners Pension Amount Status TS Account Slips )
SR 75 under TR 16
- Non-marriage / remarriage certificate may have to be furnish once year in December in respect of Family Pensioners
- This certificate may have to be sign by a responsible gazette Government Servant or Well known and trustworthy person
- In respect of widows above 50 years of age, the pensioner can give this certificate without its being sign by others.
- consequently, In respect of widows of over 60 years age, this certificate need not be furnish
SR 76 Order TR 16
- Pension insane person may paid to a guardian appoint under the Indian Lunacy Act 1912.
- Such guardian furnish life certificate of the Pensioner to the effect that the pensioner was alive on the last day of the period for which the pension is claim
SR 92 under 16 Gratuity If gratuity order remains un drawn for more than six months, it return to the A.G GPF / AG LFA mentioning the cause, if known of the non appearance of the person entitled to the gratuity ( Telangana Pensioners Pension Amount Status TS Account Slips )
AP Pensioners Pension Amount Status Pension Account Slips AG GPF Rules
(ii) Payment of Pension Through Banks :
Payment of pension arrange through Banks on making an application to the Treasury/
Pension Payment Officer in accordance with the provisions laid down.
The retiring employees can also indicate the name of the Bank, Branch, Place and S.B A/c No. in the Application Form for pension vide Part. I of Pension Papers.
(iii) Loss of PPOs/GPOs :
- When the PPO is loss the same is issue by PAG on receipt of a letter
- from the DTO with particulars of last payment.
- When copy of gratuity payment order or commutation authorisation is lost it report promptly.
- A non payment certificate also sent to PAG for issue of duplicate GPO/CPO
- In cases where the original pension payment order (both the copies of Treasury Officer and Pensioner) issue by AG is lost in transit and not traceable, the PAG issues duplicate Pension Payment Orders duly obtaining the pensioner’s copy of intimation along with non-payment certificate from the pension disbursing authority.
- Similar procedure is follow in cases of Gratuity Payment Order
- and Commutation authorisation which are loss in transit and not traceable
Ap pension portal in cfms is not being opened/found since last 15 days.It is not available in cyber treasury site also.
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