AP Municipal Teachers Transfers 2018 General Transfers Guidelines Vacancies List
AP Municipal Teachers Transfers 2018 General Transfers Guidelines Vacancies List eligibility how to submit application form download G.O.RT.No. 507 Dated: 16-05-2018 Seniority list 2018 Application submission Counselling dates Employees Transfers 2018 Online Application @cdma.ap.gov.in Ascertain the Vacancies 2018 list Seniority list 2018 Application submission Counselling dates AP Municipal Teachers Employees Transfers 2018 AP Municipal teachers Ascertain the Vacancies 2018 list How to know your entitle points Calculate Entitlement Points
A.P Municipal Teachers Transfers 2018 Contents
- Download G.O.RT.No. 507 Dated: 16-05-2018
- General Transfer Applicability
- Eligibility Criteria for General Transfers 2018
- Vacancies and Seniority List 2018
- How to submit Teachers Transfers Online Application
- AP Teachers Transfers Counselling Dates
G.O.RT.No. 507 Dated: 16-05-2018 Instructions and Guidelines
As per G.O.RT.No. 507 Dated: 16-05-2018 govt released instructions for transfers and posting of Municipal Teachers working in all the Urban Local Bodies in the state – Guidelines / Instructions
on Municipal Teachers’ Transfers-2018 (Phase-II) – Orders – Issued

Transfers shall be applicable to all categories of Teachers working in Municipalities / Corporations as per Service Rules 2016 i.e. Gr.II Head Masters, School Assistants, Specialist Teachers, PSHMs, Secondary Grade Teachers and other equivalent categories working in all Municipal / Corporation Primary / Upper Primary/ High Schools in the State
Eligibility Criteria for Transfer :
- Those teachers who have completed 8 years of continuous service in a particular school and the Head Masters Gr-II who have completed 5 years of continuous service in a particular school, as on 30.04.2018 shall be compulsorily transferred.
– Provided those who are going to retire within 2 years from 30.04.2018 shall not be shifted until and unless the incumbent requests for such transfer.
– The Male Head-Master Grade-II/ Teacher aged below 50 years of age as on 30.04.2018 working in Girls High School shall be transferred. - If no women HMs/ Teachers are available to work in Girls High Schools, then male HMs/ Teachers who are over above 50 years of age (as on 30.04.2018) may be considered for posting to such Schools.
- Grade-II Head-Masters/ Teachers who have completed a minimum period of three years of service in a particular School as on 30.04.2018 shall be eligible to apply for transfer.
- The Teachers who have completed 8 years of service in the present School and working as NCC Officer should be posted in the vacancy in a school where there is NCC unit. If there is no vacancy they may be posted in a school where there is no NCC unit, so that NCC Teacher may open new NCC unit in that School.
- Preference shall be given to Head-Master Grade-II who have studied Urdu/ Oriya/ Tamil Language as 1st Language in the respective minor medium Schools.
- While considering the request transfers based on above conditions, preference shall be given to the employee based on the following entitlement points;
While considering the request transfers based on above conditions,preference shall be given to the employee based on the following entitlement points;
Two (2) pointsFour (4) points
Two (2) pointsNotification of Vacancies:
Sl.No. | Item | Entitlement Points |
1 | For the service in the present school (as on 30.04.2018) Note: for maximum 8 years of service @ 8 points in respect of teachers and HMs of High Schools, as the case may be. | One (1) point per every year of completed service |
2 | Teachers who secured “Best Teacher Award”at National/ State Level issued by respective Governments. | Three (3) points |
3 | If the children of Municipal Teacher are studying during the last 2 years in Mpl/ Govt./ZP/ Aided Schools – Self declaration and countersigned by MEO/ Dy.EO with Aadhar seeded info. of the child. | |
4 | The President and General Secretary of the Recognised Teacher’s Unions at the State and District Levels | Five (5) Points |
5 | Un-married Head-Mistress Grade-II/ Unmarried female Teacher | Four (4) Points |
6 | Working as NCC officer, if they have completed 8 years of service in the schools | Three (3) points |
7 | Minus points: If any disciplinary proceedings was initiated against the Teacher in the last 8 years period. 1. Major penalty – 5 points 2. Minor penalty – 3 points | Minus points – 5/3 |
8 | Teacher whose spouse belongs to State Government or Central Government or Public Sector undertaking by Govt. or Local Body or Persons working in the Institutions against the Aided post category in AP and working in the same District / Outside District may opt for transfer. | |
9 | Performance in SSC-2018 Results (100% pass in concerned subject (applicable to all teachers who taught 10th Class subjects during 2017-18 AY) |
Notification of Vacancies
The following vacancies shall be notified for the purpose of counselling:
- All the existing clear vacancies except the leave / suspension vacancies.
- Consequential vacancies arising due to compulsory transfers (Completion of 5/8 years).
- Resultant vacancies arising during counselling in case of teachers who have not completed compulsory period 5/8 years, shall be notified.
- The appointing authority (RDMA/VMC/GVMC) shall notify the vacancies
Publication of Vacancies and Seniority List:
The following lists shall be published in the official website of the Municipality/ Corporation; and also displayed in the office of the Commissioner/RDMA (Notice Board) and the copies can be provided to all
Teacher Unions.
- The School-wise vacancy position of Head-Master Grade-II, School Assistants,
- Secondary Grade Teachers and Equivalent categories of the above posts for counselling.
- The list of names of the Head Master Grade-II and Teachers who applied for transfers with their entitlement points.
- After the last date for applying transfers as per schedule, the seniority shall be prepared – category wise, subject-wise medium wise and the seniority list with entitlement points shall be published.
Application submission & Counselling :
- The Head-Masters/Teachers shall apply for transfer in the prescribed proforma within time duly countersigned by the Head Master/Commissioner.
- The applicants seeking to apply under preferential categories shall also submit along with application, the latest certificate issued by the competent authority in that regard.
- After receipt of applications the RDMA/VMC/GVMC shall display the provisional seniority lists and call for objections if any.
- After redressing the objections/ grievances, the authority shall display the final seniority along with the entitlement points in the notice board.
- If any Head-Master Gr.II or Teacher who is compulsorily transferable on completion of 5/8 years of service, as the case may be, does not apply or having applied does not attend the counselings, in such case, he/she will be transferred, to the available left over vacancies in the Municipality or Corporation.
- The RDMAs shall attend to the objections raise by teachers if any on the seniority list or entitlement points and cause verification and finalized the list.
- Transfers and postings of Head-Master and Teachers shall be done on the basis of entitlement points as specified above. After finalization of seniority lists and notification of vacancies options shall have to be exercised by the teachers during counselings process. Transfer orders shall be issued by the RDMA/ VMC/GVMC after counseling.
- The Process of counseling is proposed to be conducted by the RDMA/VMC/GVMC at the District Head Quarters or a convenient place in the district. The District Head Quarter Commissioners shall makenecessary arrangement for conduct of the counseling.
Issue of Transfer orders:
- Based on the options exercised by Head-Masters/Teachers, the RDMAs shall issue posting orders to all the Head-Masters/Teachers.
- In absentia orders to be issued to Head-Masters/Teachers who havecompleted 5/8 years of service and who do not attend counselling.
- Once posting orders issued after counselling, there shall not be any modification or review.
- The Transfer orders shall be in force with immediate effect